Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Please email us at with Request for Account Deletion
  2. In the body, include your email address state that you would like your account to be deleted.
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The user should do the following.

  1. User must enter period (.) in text field of Middle Name.
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Guidelines on how to Inactive an employee:

1. Go to Prime Module> Org Data > Manage > Employees
2. Click Assignment header to display Edit button.
3. Click Edit button.
4. Click Employment Status dropdown, select Inactive.
5. Enter End Date.
6. Click Save button.

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Steps on how to setup Departments:
1. Go to Organizational Data > Buildup > Business Units/Departments
2. Click Add button.
3. Fill up data fields:
a. Short ID - Department ID
b. Name - Department Name
c. Tick checkbox of Active
d. Select Type
f. Seq no - sequence no./numbering
g. Head - assign Department Head
h. Department Under - select where new department is under. This is to setup the organizational chart.
4. Click Insert button. Learn more

There are two ways to setup Approver Matrix, via User Interface and Template Uploading. Most common used is through uploading.
Steps on how to fill out Approver Matrix template:
1. APPROVER_SEQNO - approver's sequence no.
            a. 0 - for single approver
            b. 1 - for first approver
            c. 2 - for second approver
2. APPROVER_EMPID - enter employee's ID
3. APPROVER_ID - enter approver's ID

 After filling out the template, user may upload it to Data Uploader. Path is Organizational Data > Buildup > Data Uploader.


 Steps on how to manually add Approver Matrix (via User Interface)

 1. Go to Organizational Data > Setup > Approver Matrix

2. Click Add button.
3. Fill out data fields:

            a. # - approver's sequence no.

            i. 0 - for single approver
            ii. 1 - for first approver
            iii. 2 - for second approver
b. Employee - select employee's name
c. Approver - select employee's approver
d. OIC - leave blank
e. OIC Start - leave blank
f. OIC End - leave blank

4. Click Insert button.


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Guidelines to setup statutory deductions:
1. Open CompBen tab from 201 File > Manage > Employees Profile.
2. Click Edit button.
3. In Social Security/Pag-IBIG Fund/Phil Health/Internal Revenue dropdown, select:
a. Actual - if basis is Gross.
b. Default - if basis is Basic Salary.
4. Aligned with the statutory's dropdown is the Weeks dropdown, click:
a. 1H - if contribution is every 1H only.
b. 2H - if contriution is every 2H only.
c. 1H and 2H - if contribution is every 1H and 2H.
For the Internal Revenue, weeks should be SP, 1H, FP, 2H, OR. Learn more
Steps to generate a timesheet summary report:
1. Go to Time and Attendance > Reports. In Listings dropdown, select Timesheet Summary.
2. Enter Pay Date.
3. Click Generate button.
4. To export the timesheet summary report, below the Generate button, click the Export As button then select preferred file format. Learn more
Steps on how to setup Positions:
1. Go to Organizational Data > Buildup > Positions
2. Click Add button.
3. Fill up data fields:
a. No. - sequence no.
b. ID - Position ID
c. Name - Position Name
d. Job Group - select Job Level of the position. (Rank and File, Supervisory, Managerial, etc.)
4. Click Insert button.
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Steps on how to manually create new employee profile:
1. Go to Organizational Data > Manage > Employees
2. Click Add button.
3. Click Create New button.
4. Fill up data fields:
a. ID Number – should be unique; max of 10 characters.
b. Display Name
c. Last Name
d. First Name
e. Middle Name – should not be NULL. If emp has no middle name, input period.
f. Salutation -accepts NULL value
g. Suffix – accepts NULL value
h. Nickname – accepts NULL value
5. Click header link (Name) to display Insert button.
6. Click Insert button.
7. Go to 201 File > Manage > Employees Profile.
8. Search for the new employee then click profile.
9. Click tab of the information that you want to update.
10. Click header link (Contact, Personal, etc.) to display Edit button.
11. Fill up required data fields.
13. Click Update button.
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Steps on how to setup new payroll group:
1. Go to Prime Payroll > Getting Started > Payroll Groups
2. Click Add button.
3. Enter data. dassadfsafsdfsdfdsafsadfdf
• Seq No. – sequence no. of payroll groups
• Pay Group Code – ID of the pay group. (user defined) 
• Pay Group Name
• Processing Period – select:
o Semi- Monthly – payroll period is twice a month.
o Monthly – payroll period is once a month.
o Weekly – payroll period is weekly.
o Daily – payroll period is daily.
4. Click Insert button.
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Steps on how to associate new hired employees: This is a test:
1. Go to Organizational Data > Setup > Online User
2. In the Search bar, type the employee id/ name then click the search icon.
3. If not existing, click the Associate button twice.

Note: Associating is required when there are new emp/s in the system. Default password for associated emp/s is the SSS number (no dash).
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Steps on how to change you account's password:
1. Go to Prime Modules > myCenter > myAccount > Password
2. Enter Current Password.
3. Enter New Password.
4. Confirm Password.
5. Click Change button. Learn more
Steps on how to update company information:
1. Go to Organizational Data > Setup > Information Sheet
2. Click Edit button.
3. Update information. For IDs and Account numbers, just click the ID and Account Nos. header link.
4. Click Update button.
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Re-association of Employee account
1. Delete Records on Online user under Org Data
2. Take Note of the Roles assigned for the Employee
3. Delete Records on Users and Roles under System Administration
4. Click Associate Button on Online User
5. Reassign Roles
6. Try Logging in the account Learn more

Step by Step on how to Extract approver Matrix

  1. Install Gupta Databases you wish to use.
  2. Open WINTALK Application.
  3. Press F2 and Log In Credentials.
  4. Press Shift F9.
  5. Choose DBS file format.
  6. Press Extract.
  7. Go to WINTALK folder in your local disc and you will find the extracted Approver Matrix.
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Steps on how to use Data Uploader:
1. Go to Organizational Data > Buildup > Data Uploader
2. Select Format:
a. Extensible Grouped Uploads (EGU) - used in uploading of Employee's Masterfile and Timekeeping Applications except for Timelog template.
b. Upload Timelogs - used in uploading of Timelog template only.
3. Click Select button to select your file.
4. Click Validate button.
5. Click Submit button.
6. Click Click Here to view Processing Logs to check for errors.
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Forgot Password

Procedures on how to retrieve password:

1. Go to 201 File > Manage > Employee's Profile
2. Get the User ID/ Profile ID
3. Go to ID Numbers and click the edit button to copy the Government ID (SSS ID/ TIN/ HDMF/ Phil Health)
    If there's no Government ID , Go to Personal tab and get his/her Birthdate.
    Remember to remove the "-" in ID numbers.
    Ex. 33-623412-1 --> 336234121  or 12/7/1993 --> 1271993
4. Sign out and click the forgot password
5. Input the User ID or the Profile ID and validate it
6. Input the SSS ID and submit.
7. Again, Input the SSS ID and click the retrieve button.

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Guidelines for posting a news announcement.

1. Go to Org Structure 

2. Go to Manage > Publications

3. Click Create New

4. Fill out the necessary space.

5. then validate. Go to MyCenter.

Note: Status should always change to Publish when updating.

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1. Go to time logger site.

2. If there's a check on the check box, the time logs are inside the Geo Fence. 

3. If there's no check on the check box, the time logs are not inside the Geo Fence.

4. Click "As Is" if the employee's time logs are valid even when he/she clocks in outside the Geo Fence. This procedure will reflect to the timesheet.

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Procedure for User Profile Accounts Resetting
1. Go to 201 File > Manage > Employee's Profile
2. Get the User ID and the Government ID
3. Check the Employee's record if he/she has a role/position in the company.
    Go to Organizational Data > Setup > Assigned Role
    Note: Remember their role/position
4. Go to Organizational Data > Setup > Online User
5. Search the person that asks for password reset and delete his/her information.
6. Go to System Administration > Security > User and roles 
7. Search the for the name of the person and delete it.
8. Go to Organization Data > Setup > Online User
9 Click the Associate One New Employee button 2x
10. Sign out and try to Log-in. Learn more
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